A post-doc position founded by Pfizer through a Global Medical Grant is available at the University of Udine (Italy) in the Biophysics lab of Prof. Alessandra Corazza.
The successful candidate will study the effect of shear forces on the amyloidogenic protein transthyretin (TTR) by NMR. The project arises in the framework of the mechano-enzymatic amyloidogenesis model proposed for TTR amyloidosis (ATTR) and aims to elucidate the role of mechanical forces in the proteolytic event leading to protein aggregation at the molecular level. Rheo-NMR will be used to investigate these processes at atomic resolution. In addition, interaction with mono- and bi-valent TTR stabilizers will be elucidated. The post-doc is expected to carry out solution state NMR experiments with a focus on protein structure and dynamics.
The work will be carried out in collaboration with the Amyloid Unit Research at the University of Pavia and the Centre for Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins at University College London.
The initial appointment is for one year starting from 1 December 2022, with the possibility of renewal.
The applicant should be highly motivated and have a strong background in protein NMR spectroscopy.
Applicants must submit before 30 September a cover letter summarizing research experience, a CV (including a publication list) and two reference contacts to alessandra.corazza@uniud.it and cristina.cantarutti@uniud.it.